Bar-headed Goose

posted in: Birds, British Columbia | 0

While on vacation on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada we spotted a bar-headed goose at the Esquimalt Lagoon.  What an amazing place to go and watch water birds.

Esquimalt Lagoon, British Columbia Canada

bar headed goose, Esquimalt Lagoon, British Columbia Canada

Through some research we found out this bird was just passing through.  It breeds in central Asia so how it got to Vancouver Island is a mystery.

bar headed goose, Esquimalt Lagoon, British Columbia Canada

It was in with a large flock of Canada Geese and swans at the lagoon.

bar headed goose, Esquimalt Lagoon, British Columbia Canada

It was a wonderful lens friend and did a lot of posing for us.  This bird was spotted on our July 2008 trip.


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