Walking by the Bay

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Last week on Monday we went for a walk down by the bay.  This is the Bay of Quinte in Lake Ontario.  This is one of our favourite walks and usually in the warmer weather we view lots of geese, swans, ducks, turtles, herons, cormorants and osprey.  At this time of the year the wildlife is limited as many of the birds have moved to somewhere a bit warmer.  There were still lots of mallard ducks in the chilly water.

One thing we really noticed was how low the water was.  The bay is suffering from the extremely hot and dry weather we had this past summer.

This area is usually brimming with water.  In fact the 2 spits that go out into the water aren’t usually visible except for little bits and the ducks and cormorants and herons are usually vying for the best rock to perch on.

This area is usually submerged in the water.  This is the spot where we usually can guarantee to see lots of ducks over the winter.  But with the water level so low I’m not sure about this year.  We’ll be checking over the winter months.

This pond area usually has water right up to the grass.  All the tree stumps and root systems were visible.  This is where I spotted the black crowned night heron a couple of years ago.

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