Not that far from us is an amazing wildlife rescue centre that helps orphaned and injured animals. The Shady Pines Wildlife Centre is in Napanee and takes in all critters and creatures and helps them on the way to recovery. At the time we visited there were 160 animals in care.
As a non profit organization, in operation for over 15 years, they always welcome donations and their wish list is at the top of one of their signs. In the average year they deal with 2,500 mammals, birds, and reptiles.
Recently they have helped a barred owl, a turtle and a beaver.
We were dropping off bags of nuts and bags of dried leaves. You can imagine how many they go through feeding and providing bedding in outside cages for the animals.
Not all of the animals were visible to the public. But we did see chickens, a pig and a horse along with some orphaned young racoons. There were several wild birds in a lovely new enclosure. Their aim is to release the wild animals back to their natural habitat. The length of stay depends on the injuries to the animals.
The centre was started in 1994 by Sue Meech and their staff includes many qualified personnel. This centre also has an amazing volunteer staff who build, collect, assist in tending to the animals, organize fund raising events and help transport the animals.
There were all sorts of nesting boxes, bat houses, and bird houses on the various trees.
You can keep in touch with SPWC via their Facebook page or their website (link towards top of post)
Do you have a wildlife centre in your area?
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