Think Outside the Pot!

posted in: Container Gardening, Succulents | 0

I love to plant in all sorts of things and not just flower pots.   You just have to let your imagination get creative and you can find all sorts of things to plant in around the house, at flea markets, at garage sales and in thrift stores.   The containers can be big or small depending on the type of plant you want to put in it.

an old washing machine tub planter -

One of my favourites is an old washing machine tub that my husband brought home one day.  It already had lots of its own drainage holes.  Now when it is filled with dirt it is very heavy but it can be slid from place to place.  Here it is full of nasturtiums.  I’ve also grown beans, petunias and canna in this old tub.   Wish I had a few more of them.

boot planters at

Old duck boots make wonderful planters for hens and chicks.

boot planters at

This pair of old black boots were originally the same height, well they would be wouldn’t they, because they are a pair.   But over the years one of them suffered from rubber fatigue and ripped, so I cut it down.   You can see how I tried to patch it together with duck tape.  Unfortunately these boots are no long around as they have succumbed to the weather.   I’ll just have to get another pair.

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 Old buckets make great planters.  You can drill holes in the bottom for drainage, or just use the rusted out places like my bucket had.  The black buckets were a find on the Freecycle group and they already had holes drilled in the bottom.  One year I had them on the steps planted with geraniums.  I’ve also used them to grow peas in.

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In my craf-tea post I show how I plant in teapots, teacups, and old kettles.

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   I’ve also used old bbq’s and old wheelbarrows.

It’s time to start thinking outside the pot.

the gardener side at

The Gardener Side grows: bulbs, corms & tubers, plants, seeds & seedpods, and veggies & herbs in different garden areas

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