Niagara Falls

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We recently took a bus trip to Niagara Falls, which is about 3.5 hours to the west of us.   We love taking the bus as it means a relaxing travel time with no worries of all the traffic through Toronto and no worries of parking when we get to the destination.We left here at 8:30 in the morning and arrived in Niagara Falls about 12:30 with a half hour comfort stop along the way.  We had 5 hours to walk around and explore before the bus trip home again.  We travel with McCoy Tours out of Kingston and this is our third trip … first to The Royal Winter Fair and second to Canada Blooms.

Niagara Falls, Canada

The garden areas along the walk were gorgeous … and with all that spray from the Falls the canna were thriving and so big.  Mine never get that big.

Niagara Falls, Canada 

The day was a bit overcast but that made it easier for walking.  This is a view of the skyline from one end of the city.  We rode up to the top of the Skylon Tower … 52 floors … and the views were spectacular.

Niagara Falls, Canada

… the horseshoe falls … the American falls … the Rainbow Bridge connecting Canada to the USA …

 Niagara Falls, Canada  Niagara Falls, Canada

The roar of the water as it gushes over the Horseshoe Falls (left) and the American Falls (right) is amazing.

Niagara Falls, Canada

We walked across the Rainbow Bridge and this is the view from the middle.  The two tour boats that take you right under the Falls are also in the photo.  The Maid of the Mist no longer departs from the Canadian side (but still sails from the American side), but a new company The Hornblower, another American company sails from Canada.

Niagara Falls, Canada

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