Home & Garden: June 2024

June is a busy month in garden, on the deck, in the kitchen and in the craft room.

Garden Update:

June in the garden is a month of growth, blooms, and lots of trimming.

the garden at craftygardener.ca

This area is photographed a lot. I always try to show the Canadian flag fluttering in the breeze. Just look at the size of those hosta in front of the shed on June 9, 2024 – huge.

The shrub growing is a choke cherry (to the right in above photo). When we first moved in here about 38 years ago this was a big shrub, but eventually it died away and was cut back.

choke cherry at craftygardener.ca

Last year it sent up a shoot, which we left to grow. Low & behold this year it has blossoms on it and it doing really well.

hosta at craftygardener.ca

These are just a few of the many hosta plants that thrive in the shade and the wet June days we have been having.

On the deck:

the deck at craftygardener.ca

A big change for me this year is the elimination of the plant tables. I just can’t move and bend like I used to so it was time to find a new way. The big metal tubs were moved onto the deck and will grow tomato plants with some marigolds for companion planting.

a new deck carpet at craftygardener.ca

A deck carpet was added this year, just to liven it up a bit.

Recipes I made:

potato and ground beef casserole at craftygardener.ca

On one of the cooler days I tried a new recipe for potatoes and ground beef. This was one that I got from a page I follow on Instagram. It was delicious and used naturally gluten free ingredients. I’m calling it the upside down cottage pie.

rhubarb cheesecake bars at craftygardener.ca

It’s rhubarb season so I also made a rhubarb cake from a recipe I sourced from recipeplayer.com.

In the craft room:

The craft of the month from the local library was bottle cap flowers. I had made some a few years ago, so this was an opportunity to make some more with kits for myself and my husband.

how to make bottle cap flowers at craftygardener.ca

From the two kits I had enough bottle caps to make 3 flowers. These one are decorating the old mailbox I have on my garden workbench to hold garden tools. Look how I made some sea glass flowers too.

bottle cap flowers at craftygardener.ca

The Gardener Side grows: bulbs, corms & tubers, plants, seeds & seedpods, and veggies & herbs in different garden areas

The Crafty Side dabbles in: knit & crochetsewing & plastic canvas, Crafty’s projects, craf-tea ideaskids crafts, rock crafts, Christmas Ideas

teacup line

My cooking is always gluten free. Find a yummy recipe to cook.

3 Responses

  1. Judee

    You have inspired me with your beautiful deck garden. I am a snowbird and just returned to Pennsylvania from Florida. I need to get started with my deck plants although lately I’ve only been growing herbs and flowers. Your hostas in front of the shed are amazing!

    • Crafty

      Wishing you well with your deck garden, mine has already changed a bit. The tomato plants are showing promise of tasty tomatoes a bit later on. Thanks for stopping by for a visit.

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