February has come and gone with very changeable weather. We try to get out and about when the weather is nice and of course the camera is always a companion.
One of the places we drive by and frequently have to stop is the traffic lights in Frankford. Right on the corner is an old building with a lot of history.

It was originally a Molson Bank. This was a bank founded in Montreal 1855 by the sons of John Molson, who founded the Molson brewery. Did you know Molson was in the bank business as well as the brewery business? They had 125 branches. Later this building was the Bank of Montreal and when they took down their signs and moved to a new building across the road the old sign was visible once again. The lettering is very faint but it is visible.

This building is now a apartment building but you can still see the signs on either side of the building and if you look really closely you can read Molson Bank. Two of the windows have a photo of the bank when it was operational.
On a lovely sunny afternoon we took a drive to one of our favourite nature stores, The Birdhouse in Wooler.

Inside you can buy some of the best bird seed, and there are amazing displays of bird feeders, bird houses, garden ornaments, garden flags and so much more. There is always a CD with bird calls playing in the background. It’s a fantastic place to visit. You can even browse their gardens and see all the bird feeders and bird visitors.

Looking back through my site I can’t believe I have never featured this store all on its own. That will certainly have to change soon.

Last Saturday we drove to Picton to have breakfast at our favourite restaurant and then stop in at the Seedy Saturday event. It’s a great way to kick start the gardening season.

There were vendors there with seeds for all sorts of veggies and flowers, produce to purchase, Master gardeners to talk to, speakers, and best of all a seed swap table. So many people took in seeds to share and swap, just like I did. I was able to pick up a few varieties of seeds that I’d like to try and some seed catalogues. Have you been to a Seedy Saturday event in your area? We have another one coming up in a couple of weeks in a town in the opposite direction from us.
On another nice day while wandering around the garden listening to the birds I captured the squirrel having a feast on some peanuts.

March is here and I’m hoping that spring is coming too. A storm arrived late Tuesday into Wednesday, so hoping that counts as March coming in like a lion and from then on I can’t wait for nice days everyday to get Out and About more.