How do you spend a wintery day? Why working on some new garden whimsy, of course. It all started with a log Santa that I got at Christmas.

It was a simple project that just required some logs and some paint. Thank goodness we have had some mild days when I’ve gone sorting through the brush pile at the very back of the garden to find some logs.

The logs had to come inside and dry out before cutting and painting could happen. Can you see the inspiration log Santa in the lower left photo? The logs were cut on various angles using a few different saws. Sometimes just the top bit was cut off, but they got made into little gnome faces too.

Then I started with the painting … different coloured hats for these gnomes, but they all got white beards. This was a project done over a few days as I wanted each part to dry thoroughly before moving on. The odd time the hat or beard needed a second coat. It certainly didn’t require any fancy painting skills, my kind of project.

I love googly eyes and decided to use them to finish off the gnomes. Of course these are all happy gnomes so they needed a red smile. The inspiration log didn’t have a mouth and had eyes painted on.
Now they are sitting happily by the door to the well cupboard just waiting for the day when they can be placed out in the garden.
It was a fun project to do and I know once I can uncover some more logs I’ll be adding to this log family.
What’s on your winter crafting list?

Nature crafts – using shells, rocks, driftwood, sea glass, pinecones