Delphiniums are lovely tall, perennial flowers that bloom in early summer. This plant is perfect for the cottage garden. Plant in a sunny location and cutting back after blooming will encourage more growth and blooms.

You can divide the plant in early spring just as it is beginning to poke through the ground.This is the clump of delphiniums in my garden today. There is lots of healthy growth and the flower stalks are just about to develop.

More often than not the flower stems need staking

All parts of this plant are toxic and should not be ingested

This plant prefers moist, cool summers and does not do well in hot, dry conditions.
After flowering has finished the seed pod will develop.

At first it will be green, so don’t pick it yet. Let it dry on the plant till it turns brown and starts to split.

Snip off the seed pod and tip out the seeds. Be sure they are dry and then store in a cool location over winter.
In spring, plant the seeds outside when all chance of frost is over. You could also start the seeds inside in small pots and transfer outside. This gives the plants a headstart. Cover seeds with about 1/8 inch of soil, keep moist until germination.

For seed collectors and seed swappers here is a seed packet to print to swap your seeds in.
Want to try Nature’s way of sowing seeds? Why not sprinkle a few delphinium seeds around your main plant in the fall, lightly cover, and let them germinate over the winter. I bet you will be surprised when you see some new plants growing in the spring