Alphabetical Gardening – N

posted in: Alphabetical Gardening | 2

My alphabetical gardening posts are up to N this week … nuthatches, nasturtiums, ninebark and maybe more.


The nuthatch is a winter visitor to the gardens, returning in October and leaving the by the following April.  We get both varieties, the rose breasted and the white breasted.  

the classic nuthatch pose

What fun to see their characteristic upside down pose on the feeders. In February 2019 we rescued a nuthatch that had flown into the window. He was stunned and sat for awhile and soaked up some warmth from my husband’s hand. Then after awhile it flew away.

a rescued nuthatch in February 2019 at
a rescued nuthatch

Nasturtiums are an annual that I grew every year, usually in a large washing machine tub that my husband reclaimed for me years ago.  The bloom comes from the centre of the leaf and this plant is edible.  There are a variety of colours from orange, to reds, to peaches to yellow.

nasturtiums in the garden at

A nine bark shrub was added to the front garden a few years ago.  I love the colour of the leaves and the lovely clusters of blooms.

ninebark growing at

Narcissus or daffodils are a joy to see in the spring and I have several different types in the garden.

daffodils at

This week the letter N was found in the garden on the back of an old gate, in fact it is the gate I used to make my stone gate tree.

finding the letter N at
N on the back of an old gate

I’m continuing to add to my personal alphabet with N for – nifty, nice, non-judgemental

Alphabetical posts A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

My series on Alphabetical gardening

My personal alphabet.


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