In an effort to reduce the use of plastic bags most stores now offer the option of buying one of their reusable bags. This certainly helps cut down on waste but there are still times that we accumulate plastic bags in various sizes. This is a holder I made a long time ago for all those plastic grocery bags. It certainly doesn’t get as full now as it used to as I have a lot of reusable bags.

You need a piece of fabric about 16 inches wide by 22 inches long, and 2 pieces of thin elastic. Match the sides of the fabric (length wise) and sew the side seam. At each end sew a hem with enough space to thread a piece of elastic through. Stitch the ends of the elastic together. The top end becomes the opening to stuff the bags into and the bottom opening is the end to pull them out of. Add a handle to the top end of the bag holder and you can hang it on a door knob, or on a hook in a cupboard. You now have a handy bag holder. If you happen to pull out a size of plastic bag you don’t want right now, you just pop it back into the top for use at a later time.

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