Out & About: Amazing Sculptures

posted in: British Columbia | 21

Just look at these amazing sculptures that we saw at the Esquimalt Lagoon and Royal Bay beach.  The artists used driftwood and shells to create these gorgeous creatures.

This one, titled McGnarly the Beach Ent created by Drifted Creations, was seen on our visit in December 2018.

The McGnarly sculpture at the Esquimalt Lagoon in British Columbia
The McGnarly sculpture at the Esquimalt Lagoon in British Columbia

He is about 10 feet high and is the guardian of the lagoon.  This artist has other creations in Campbell River (dinosaur, eagle, whale) and Oyster River and lots of other places.

The McGnarly sculpture at the Esquimalt Lagoon in British Columbia

These are recent additions to the lagoon by artist Paul Lewis.  Our daughter took these photos and sent them to me as they were added after our trip out west.  You can be sure this will be top of the list to visit when we go out west the next time.

amazing beach sculptures at the Esquialt Lagoon win British Columbia, Canada

two Canada Geese

amazing beach sculptures at the Esquialt Lagoon win British Columbia, Canada

great horned owl

amazing beach sculptures at the Esquialt Lagoon win British Columbia, Canada

raven in a nest

amazing beach sculptures at the Esquialt Lagoon win British Columbia, Canada

bald eagle

amazing beach sculptures at the Esquialt Lagoon win British Columbia, Canada

a heron

I can’t wait to see these sculptures in person.  The Esquimalt Lagoon is a bird sanctuary and a place we visit a few times when we are in BC.

This mammoth and her young were seen at Royal Bay.  Absolutely amazing.  Royal Bay is a lovely new beach area not that far from where our family lives.

The mammoth at Royal Bay Beach in British Columbia
The mammoth at Royal Bay Beach in British Columbia

I hope these two artists create other sculptures for display on various beaches.

Do you have interesting sculptures near you?

ABC Wednesday is up to S.  S for sculptures.

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21 Responses

  1. Kea

    !!!!These are jaw-dropping!!!! Wow! I’ve never seen anything like them.

  2. Ruth Shul;tz

    My goodness these are well thought out sculptures. It is lovely to see the artist use things that are in the environment. My favourite one is the owl! Thank you for showing them to us.

  3. Elaine

    Oh how awesome are they ?! Great shots Linda . I love gnarly trees in the woods . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  4. Margie

    Very cool! I’m afraid that we don’t have any interesting sculptures here.

  5. Myrtle

    These sculptures are amazing Linda! I have never seen anything like these, you are so lucky to get to see some of them in person.

  6. ABC Wednesday

    Oh wow how amazing…. that Elephant/Mammute I like very much

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

  7. Photo Cache

    We have something similar to this on a smaller scale near where I live. Isn’t this totally amazing how creative and talented some people are?

  8. ann

    I think that first one would guard well enough to keep lots away.

  9. Margy

    I’ll be on the lookout for them the next time we are over to Campbell River. – Margy

  10. Su-sieee! Mac

    Wow oh wow oh wow! My favorites are the mammoths. This makes me want to do something with the branches in our back yard. lol

  11. Jennifer Jilks

    These are amazing! We won’t be able to visit, when we visit the grandie in Vancouver. Just not enough time!!!

  12. Lavender Dreamer

    My goodness….these are extraordinary! I love the Canada geese best…well….it’s hard to choose! heehee! We saw some sculptures at a park early in the Spring. It’s amazing to get up close and see the details. There are a lot of talented people out there! Enjoy your weekend!

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