One of our favourite things to do at this time of the year is to visit garden centres and see all the wonderful plants waiting for new gardens to grow in. While the big box stores have their version of garden centres we prefer to visit the locally owned ones. I find the quality of the plants is much better than big commercial centres. Prosperity Acres is not far from where I live.
I actually met the owner, Jenn, online via my website and the Facebook page that she has. From reading different things we discovered we didn’t live that far apart, so on the long weekend we set off to Prosperity Acres. If you live in the Quinte region you can find this wonderful garden centre on Harmony Road, east of Hwy 37, just where Tyendinaga Township starts. close to the Shannonville Road. You know the first time you go somewhere you think you will never get there … or did I drive past it … or do I have the wrong directions. We were just about to pull over and check the maps on the iPhone when their sign appeared.

It was a chilly weekend and the overnight temperatures were due to drop down to about 2 Celsius … not good for tender annuals. So they had taken all the hanging baskets and plants into the greenhouses.

It was a sunny afternoon so some of the hanging baskets had been put out into the sun. There was so much variety of plants to see … colourful leaves, daylilies, veggies and more.

Every garden deserves to have some plants from this garden centre.

One of the favourite things I saw was this large birdhouse with its amazing roof.

I am envious of this and would love to have one from my garden. It will be another project on that ever growing list of mine.

I was so pleased to see some okra growing. I got some seeds at Canada Blooms and have them planted. I sure hope mine grow like these ones.
If you live in my part of Quinte be sure to stop by and visit Prosperity Acres and say hi to Jenn.
Out and About shares more places to visit.

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