Vegetables: Kabouli Black Chickpeas

posted in: Vegetables | 13

I love going to Seedy Saturdays and am always on the lookout for new and interesting seeds to me that I can try growing.  Last year I picked up some Kabouli black chickpeas to grow in the kitchen garden.  The kitchen garden is a series of plant tables my husband made to raise gardening to my level after knee replacement surgery.  I use all sorts of containers, at least a foot deep, to grow veggies and herbs.

The Kabouli chickpeas are an Afghani type which gives black chickpeas.

tabouli black chickpeas at

They were planted in a large container on  May 14, 2017 and by May 24 they had grown to almost 4 cm tall and look different from the other pea varieties that I have planted.

tabouli black chickpeas at

This legume isn’t really a pea, nor a climber, but grew in a bush style with nice foliage.

kabouli black chickpeas at

Flowers were a dusty rose, rather like the bloom on other pea plants.

kabouli black chickpeas at

There was a good harvest of seedpods by the beginning of August and when left to dry the black chickpeas were inside, usually 2 to a pod.

kabouli black chickpeas at

They were interesting to grow but I won’t be growing them again, as I am only growing veggies they we eat on a regular basis, like tomatoespeas and beans.  But that doesn’t mean I won’t try something new this year.  I usually keep one container in the kitchen garden for growing something I’ve not grown before.

I do buy chickpeas in a can and love to roast them in the oven using this recipe and it is delicious using honey and cinnamon.

roasted chickpeas at

Other unusual veggies I’ve grown in my kitchen garden are okra, potato beansKabouli black chickpeas and monk peas.

My alphabetical gardening series / More K things I’ve shared.

Alphabetical posts


the gardener side at

13 Responses

  1. Margie

    I love chickpeas so I’ll have to try your roaster honey cinnamon chickpea recipe. Thanks for sharing!

  2. linda

    Very interesting foliage…love the flower!
    What will you come up with this summer, Linda?
    Linda :o)

  3. Yvette Chilcott

    Hi Linda, those black chickpeas look interesting. Last year I bought seeds for a hull-less seeded pumpkin but they didn’t produce anything. If you’re going to the Trenton Seedy Saturday this week, please stop and say hi, I’ll be in the Trenton Horticultural Society booth.

  4. Myrtle

    The black Chickpea plant looks interesting and I am very interested in the roasted chickpeas so will try those one day

  5. Elaine

    Love your container kitchen gardening , something I would like to get into for veggies . Do you use a mix compost soil for your containers or just straight soil ! I am used to veggie gardening the old fashioned way with a large veggie patch but this way would be easier on my knees and back now . Lovely photos and post , I am soo looking forward to getting my hands dirty in my gardens again . Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

    • Linda aka Crafty Gardener

      I use container soil, compost, vermiculite and peat moss in my veggie containers. Each year I ammend it a bit with more peatmoss and vermiculite. Papa could build you the tables, ours are made from recycled deck wood. I use large recycle blue boxes, large rubbermaid totes, old metal washtubs, some large pots and extra large shopping bags (for my potatoes). I started this around the time of my first knee replacement and love it, so easy to maintain. I love the no dig method for harvesting. Second knee surgery is the in the works, not sure of date yet, hoping for the end of gardening season. Hope you give it a try this year.

  6. ABC Wednesday

    That looks wonderful … it is tasty ass well?

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

  7. Nicola

    I love chickpeas and never really thought about what the plant looked like. Those black ones are cool!

    • Linda aka Crafty Gardener

      I love them too and never thought about how they grew. The black ones were interesting to watch grow, maybe I’ll look for the white ones this year. Hope your arm is healing and you are back to crochet soon.

  8. Su-sieee! Mac

    This year I’m going to try growing vegetables in containers–just a few things. Not sure yet whether we’ll have much water this summer. I like your idea of setting them up high. My knees are bad, too. Something to think about.

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