The Busy Beaver
At the beginning of the week we went for a walk down by the bay. It was sunny but chilly, and as usual it is always chillier by the water. There were lots of ducks and a huge flock of … Continued
At the beginning of the week we went for a walk down by the bay. It was sunny but chilly, and as usual it is always chillier by the water. There were lots of ducks and a huge flock of … Continued
On Monday morning we went for one of our walks down by the bay. It seems it was a morning for family outings. Mother duck and her ducklings … … another group of ducklings … … a large flock of … Continued
On one of our favourite walks down by the bay we noticed something new had been added to the pond. As well as all the old tree root stumps that are anchored in the pond there was a new ramp … Continued
About the middle of November we went for a walk down by the bay. The waters were calm and just perfect for reflections. The first fabulous reflection is of The Anchorage, a condominium right on the waterfront. This building is … Continued
Connecting Belleville to Prince Edward County is the Bay Bridge, or more formally the Norris Whitney Bridge. When we moved to this area in 1981 there was the old swing bridge but by 1982 a new structure was built. That meant … Continued
It was another glorious sunny day for mid November and we had been out for a drive in the county and then stopped at a section of the waterfront trail that we rarely walk along. As we came over the … Continued
Last week on Monday we went for a walk down by the bay. This is the Bay of Quinte in Lake Ontario. This is one of our favourite walks and usually in the warmer weather we view lots of geese, … Continued
On a lovely morning walk down by the bay at the end of August we sighted a variety of water birds including the great blue heron, the swan family, cormorants, gulls, Canada Geese and a young heron. Is it a … Continued
One of our favourite walks is down by the bay, where there is always an opportunity to see swans, herons, ducks, geese and cormorants. The swans are so elegant and graceful. The above images were taken in 2010. March 2011 … Continued